Cliff Kindy Iraq Blog

Current entries are related to Cliff Kindy's fourth Iraq trip, beginning in October 2007. The blog archives contains letters from Cliff's third Iraq trip in 2004-5.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kurdish and Arabic translations of CPT Open Letter to US Officials

15 /1/2008
نامةيةكى كراوة بؤ نةتةوة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا, وةزارةتى بةرطرى, وةزارةتى دةرةوة ى ئةمريكا.

ئيَمة ئةندامانى تيمى بنيانتةرى ئاشتى مةسيحى, ئيستا ئيَمة لة باكورى كوردوستانى عيَراق دةذين و كاردةكةين. لةماوةى ثيَنج مانطى رابردودا لةنزيكةوة ئاطادارين لة راثؤرتة هةوالَةكان وة وردةكاريةكان كة سوثاى توركى خاكى كوردستان ثيَشيل و بؤمباران دةكات , تيَبينى ئةوةمان كرد كة وولاَتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا زانيارى هةوالَطرى دابينكردووة بؤ ئةو هيَرشانة و والآكردنى ئاسمانى عيَراقى هةلَبذاردووة بؤ ئةو هيَرشانة.
ثةيوةندةيةكى بةردةواممان هةبووة لةطةلَ نةتةوة يةكطرتووةكان , خاضى سوورى نيَودةولَةتى , ريَكخراوة ناحكوميةكانى كوردستان كة يارمةتى قوربانيانى ئةو هيَرشانةيان داوة. لايةنى كةم ئةو هيَرشانة سآ هاولآتى كوشتووةو وة شةش هاولاَتيش برينداربوون, CPT سةردانى دوو خيَزانى قوربانيانى كرد كة ئةندامةكانى خيَزانةكانيان كوذراون و بريندارن. راثؤرتةكان ئاماذة بةوة دةدةن كةئاكامةكانى ئةو بؤمبارانة بووةتة مايةى رووخان و زيان ثيَطةيشتى خانووةكان , قوتابخانةكان , مزطةوتةكان, خةستخانةكان .

CPT سةردانى سةرؤكى شارةوانى ئةو ناوضانةى كرد كة نزيكةى 600 – 800 خيزان و 3000 كةسى ئاوارة و هةلَهاتو و ثةناهةندة لةخؤ دةطريَت , ئةو سةرؤك شارةوانييانة ويَنةو فيلميان فةراهةم كرد بؤمان سةبارةت بةو زيانانةى ناو طوندةكان و ئيَمةيان هاندا كةسةردانى هةنديَك لةو خيَزانانة بكةين كةناتوانن بطةريَنةوة بؤ شويَنةكانى خؤيان.

بؤمبارانةكة سةدةها مةرِو مالاَتى لةناوبردووة , ئةو ئاذةلاَنةى سةرضاوةى بذيَوى ذيانيانة . ئاذةلَةكانى تر لةناوضةكةدا بةرةلآن لةبةرئةوةى خيَزانةكان لةوة دةترسن كةبطةرِيَنةوة و هيَرشة سةربازية ئاسمانيةكانى سوثاى توركى بةردةوام بيَت .
جوتيارةكان دةثرسن كةضؤن دةتوانن كشتوكالَى بةهاري ئايندةيان بضيَنن؟
وةك CPT ئاخاوتن لةطةلَ خةلَكى كوردا دةكات , طويَمان لةبانطةوازيَكة بؤ وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا كة ثةيوةست بيَت بةو بنةما جيَطيرانة كة وولاَتانى تريش هةلَيانطرتووة : هاولاتيان مةكوذةو برينداريان مةكة، و هيَزى داطيركةر بةرثرسة و ليَثرسراوة بةرامبةر ثاراستنى سةرو مالَى هاولآتيان كة لةذيَر دةستةلآتيدان . وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا حكومةتى هةريَمى كوردوستان بة جؤريَك لة ديموكراسى دةناسيَنيَت, بةلآم زؤر ئاشكراية كة ديموكراسى بةوالآكردنى ئاسمانى سةربازى خزمةت ناكريَت بؤ هيَرشكردنة سةر هاوولآتيان , ئةو هاوولآتيانة هيض دةنطيَكيان نةبوو لةم برِيارةدا.
بةرِادةيةكى زؤر , طؤرانكاريةكى سةرنج راكيَشةرو بةجؤشمان رةضاو كرد لةنيَو كؤمةلآنى خةلَكى كوردستاندا لة ثشتيوانيةكى نةبوردنخوازانة بؤ بوونى سوثاى وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا لة عيَراق بؤ توورِةيي بةرةو هةلَديَريَك كة وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا يةكيَك لةثشتيوانة هةرة دلَسؤزةكانى خؤى لةخؤرهةلآتى ناوةراستدا ثةستكردووة.لةطةلَ ئةوةى طةلى كورد رووبةرووى شالآوى ئةنفال بؤتةوة لةذير دةستى ريَذيمى سةدام حوسةين ، ئيَستا ترسىئةوة دروستبووة كةثشتيوانى وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا توركيا هانبدات كةدذ بة كوردوستان بجوليَت تةنانةت زؤر بةرةقى و درِةندةيي.

هةربؤية ريَكخراوى بنياتنةرى ئاشتى مةسيحى CPT برِيارى وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا سةبارةت بةيارمةتى دانى ئةو هيَرشانة بؤ سةر هاوولآتايان رةتدةكاتةوة، تكاتان ليَدةكةين وةك فةرمانبةرانى وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا كة ئةو برِيارة ثوضةلَ بكةنةوة (دادطةرى) سةبارةت بةوةى كة ياريدةى توركيا بدةن بؤ بةكارهيَنانى توندوتيذى دذ بةهاوولاَتيان . هاني فشار خستنة سةر توركيا دةدةين بؤ طرتنةبةرى ريَطةضارةى دبلؤماسى لةكيَشةى نيَوان ثارتى كريَكارانى كوردستان و(PKK) توركيادا وةضةند مةسةلةيةكى بنةرِةتى تر. ئيَمة بانطةوازى هاولآتيانى وولآتة يةكطرتووةكانى ئةمريكا دةكةين بؤ زياتر فيَربون سةبارةت بةم رووداوانة وةبةرطريي و داكؤكى لة سةلامةتى طةلى كورد بكةن.

ثيَطى طيش , ئةنيتا ديَيظيد, ميشيَل نار ئوبيَد , كليف كيندى


يناير/كانون الثّاني 15/2008
رسالة مفتوحة إلى إدارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكيةِ، وزارة الخارجية و وزارة الدّفاع الأمريكية.

نحن أعضاء فرق صانعوا السلام المسيحيةِ، في الوقت الحاضر نحن نعِيشُ ونعْملَ في كوردستان- شمال العراق. راقبنا التقاريرَ الإخباريةَ مباشرةً التي تعرض ُتفاصيل الغزوات العسكريةَ التركيةَ وقصف الأراضِي الكرديةِ خلال الشهور الخمسة الماضية. نُلاحظُ بأنّ الولايات المتّحدةَ زوّدتْ معلوماتا إستخباراتية لتلك الهجمات وإختارت فَتْح المجال الجوي العراقيِ لتلك الهجمات.

كَانَ لدينا إتصال متواصل مع الأُمم المتّحدةِ، الصليب الأحمر الدولي والمنظمات المحلية الكردستانية الغير حكومية اللاتي ساعدا الإصاباتَ مِنْ تلك الهجمات.ادت تلك الهجماتِ الى قَتل ما لا يقل عن ثلاثة مدنيين و جرح ما لا يقل عن ستة مدنيين. زارت سي بي تي عائلتان مِنْ العوائلِ ِ اللاتي كانت لديهم قَتلَى َو جَرحَى. إضافة إلى ذلك، يُشيرُ التقاريرُ بأن تلك التفجيراتِ قد كبدت خسائر جسيمة و دمرت البيوتَ، المدارس، المساجد، والمستشفيات..

زارَت منظمة سي بي تي رؤساء البلدية في المناطق الذي يحتوي على 600- 800 عوائل المرحَّلة و 3000 افراد من, الذين هَربوا للمأوى تقريباً.. أولئك رؤساء للبلدية زودونا بالصورِ و أشرطة الفيديو للأضرارِ في القُرى وشجّعونا لزيَاْرَة البعض مِنْ العوائلَ اللاتى غير قادرون على العَودة إلى ديارهم الآن.

قَتلتْ التفجيراتُ مِئاتَ الخرفان والأبقارِ، والحيوانات التي تَعتمدُ العوائلَ عليها للمعيشة. والحيوانات الأخرى تبعثروا وأهملوا لأن العوائلَ يخافون العَودة ينما يَستمر غارات الجيشِ التركيِفي المنطقة. الآن المزارعون يَتسائلونَ كيف يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَعملونَ زِراعَتهم الربيعيةُ.
كما يتحدث سي بي تي للشعبِ الكرديِ، نَسمع نداء إلى الولايات المتّحدةِ للإلتِزام بالمعاييرَ التي تضمن بلدانَ
أخرى: لا تَقْتل أَو تجرح المدنيين وقوة الإحتلال مسؤولة عن حماية المدنين العزل والإهتمام بالذين هم تحت سيطرتها. الولايات المتّحدة ألأمريكية تعرف حكومة إقليم كوردستان كنموذج للديموقراطية ، للكنه واضح تلك الديمقراطيةِ لا تخدَمُ بفتح المجال الجوي العسكري الأجنبي لمهاجمة أهداف مدنية. هؤلاء المدنيين ما كَان عندهم صوت في هذا القرار .
على مقياس أكبر، لاحظنَا تغيير مثير في الشعب الكرديِ مِن الدعم الغير معتذر للوجود العسكري الأمريكي في العراق لغْضب في الطريقِ الذي فيه الولايات المتّحدةِ تَخلّصتْ من إحدى حلفائِها في الشرق الأوسطِ. واجهَ الشعبُ الكردي إعتدءات أنفال تحت الولايات المتحدة ونظام خوف صدام حسين، دعم سيشجع تركيا لتَحرك حتى بشدة ضدّ كوردستان.

لذا، سي بي تي في العراق تستهجن قرار الولايات المتحدة لمساعدة هذه الهجمات على السكان المدنين. نناشدكم كمسؤولون أمريكان لنقض هذا القرار الذي يساعد تركيا في العنف ضد المدنيين. نشجع الضغطَ على تركيا لمُتَابَعَة الحلولِ الدبلوماسيةِ في النزاع القائم بين بي كْي كْي / تركيا وقضايا مخفية أخرى. نَدْعو الشعب الولايات المتّحدةِ الأمريكى للتَعلم الأكثر حول هذه الأحداث وندعو لأمان هذا الشعب الكردي.ِ

بيكى كيش, أنيتا ديفد- ميشيل نار-ئوبيد - كليف كيندى

January 31, 2008, Letter

Dear Friends, Family and All Good People,

We have had lots of snow and rain the last few days here in the mountain bowl of Suleimaniya. There have been changes voted in the Iraqi flag, primarily because of concerns raised by Kurds. I have yet to see one of the new flags flying anywhere. I stopped at a tailor's shop two days ago and asked about it. He had one of the new flags draped over his counter, but when I asked whether Kurds would use it, he responded, "They are likely to fly the Kurdish flag with the new Iraqi flag if they use it."

Remember the roller coaster I mentioned Sunday? We are still riding it. Yesterday the one-month visa we had been granted was taken back. Instead the residency office told us to go buy tickets, then return to have our passports stamped with a seven-day exit visa. We have to go immediately. No one would say why or who ordered this deed. After lots of searching and asking questions of different levels in the Kurdish government, of Kurdish and international NGOs, and of US officials here in the KRG, we are 99% clear that the US government at some level has made this decision and asked the Kurdish officials to implement it.

Who? Probably the US State Department, but it could be the Hostage Working Group in the Baghdad Green Zone, FBI, or Department of Defense. Why? Would you like to venture some guesses? I suspect it is because we have been raising concerns about the US-supported bombing of Kurdish villages by Turkey. It may be something related to the kidnapping CPT went through about one year ago, although the Kurdish security forces who took the brunt of that have laid it behind them. As I said to the official at the Ministry of the Interior this morning, "Maybe the United States doesn't like one of my colleagues, Peggy, Anita or Michele."

CPT is working in Washington, DC, with legislators to uncover the appropriate agency and then try to get this action changed. This could be the end of CPT presence in Iraq for now. That would be sad because I feel our presence has been able to provide an important on-the-ground perspective of the US occupation of Iraq.

I will sign out of this letter and back in to paste in the Kurdish and Arabic translations of the Open Letter CPT sent to US officials to voice our concerns about the way the United States supported the Turkish bombing of Kurdish civilian villages.

Blessings of peace to your families and to your enemies!

Cliff Kindy

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Roller Coaster, January 27, 2008 Letter

Dear Friends, Family and All Good People,

These last few weeks have been a roller coaster ride of emotions as one minute we are confident we have the NGO approval in hand and then are clear we don't. Those papers are essential for being able to continue our CPT work here. This past week it became clear to us that a security incident with the team last year had rolled the process up into a new arena. We would need to get involvement from US officials and from the higher levels of the Kurdish government.

At the same time we were offered a one-month visa, after going for nearly two months without any, to assist us in obtaining the NGO papers. With that visa came a list of activities that would not be approved or allowed under the visa. It was clear to me that both the timing of the offer and the restrictions were unusual and must have been triggered by a decision at a higher level. I felt unable to compromise my CPT activities to that extent and am presently exploring whether I can negotiate some flexibility. I plan to be here in Suleimaniya two more weeks and maybe should have swallowed my principles.

At this point all work with the border villages after the US-supported bombing by Turkey is on hold until we discover where the unexplained glitch in the NGO process is located. That is unfortunate since we were very close to having support for the process of accompanying villagers back to their communities for their protection and to open a space for dialogue instead of violence between the actors in that horror.

The CPT open letter to US officials explaining our deep concerns about US logistical support of those cross border Turkish raids is printed in an earlier blog. We still encourage you to contact legislators with your concerns and write about those events in your local newspaper. Feel free to publish the letter as an opinion page piece.

Some of you may have read in the news about the huge explosion in Mosul when an abandoned apartment building holding explosives and weapons was detonated. Two different news releases reported that Kurdish Peshmerga or US military had earlier placed barrels of explosives in the building. Apparently they didn't know how many other explosives were in the building and take precautions to warn neighbors. One hundred homes within two kilometers were destroyed by the blast. Forty people died at last report and about 170 were injured. Please check the news you can find on this as well. It seems to have been the trigger to send huge numbers of Iraqi and US troops to Mosul for the "last important battle in Iraq against Al Qaeda."

As I near my time to leave Iraq, I am open to receiving invitations to speak about my experiences here as well as with other CPT projects in earlier years. You can email me: or phone: 260-982-2971.

Let me close with a prayer I sent this week to Susan Mark Landis for an Iraq Concerns email prayer circle:
"Merciful God, may your reign come here on earth as in heaven," prays the displaced Muslim family that lost a mother in the US-supported Turkish bombing. "All Powerful God, we long for your reign here on earth as it is in heaven," the PKK Communist believer prays from her mountain cave, hiding from the Turkish attacks, purportedly against PKK terrorists. "Redeeming God, we long for your reign here on earth as in heaven," prays the Turkish fighter pilot as his crew targets the Kurdish sites supplied by US intelligence. "God of Justice, we pray for your reign here on earth as in heaven," prays the US Jewish officer from the surveillance base chapel before he heads home from work. "God of Mystery, we pray for your reign to come here on earth as in heaven," prays the CPT team as they consider a proposal to accompany displaced families back to their homes in the Kandil Mountains.

God, I don't envy your ears. I don't know how to anticipate how you might surprise all of us. I suspect I will have to change or be changed. Prepare us all for your life in the transformation you are already bringing into our midst. Amen.
Well, blessings of peace to each one of you!

Cliff Kindy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Libel Charges and Kurdish Mediation

CPT Iraq Reflection: Kurdish Mediation

By Cliff Kindy, 17 January, 2008

Wednesday, January 16, three CPTers joined five independent journalists in a two-hour trip to Halubcha. At ten o’clock a young journalist, Nasir, would face trial. He had been charged with libelling the Peshmerga (Kurdish military) when he wrote that all Peshmerga are full of corruption. After the charges were filed, men dressed in Asaish security uniforms abducted him, beat him and ordered him to never write about the Peshmerga again. CPT attended the trial to make it clear that the international public was concerned about this issue.

Supporters, including CPT, gathered in the investigating attorney’s office. There they learned the judge had delayed the trial, ostensibly because his son had injured his hand. Some speculated he feared the international publicity with CPTers present.

The supporters returned to a hall where negotiations went on without CPT involvement because of language. But soon CPT was engaged to join a delegation heading to the Cultural Center. There the head of the Peshmerga offered a compromise. The charges would be dropped against Nasir in exchange for his retraction of the earlier statement and promise, in the future, to write only with specific evidence about the Peshmerga

It was an exciting arena as the Cultural Center director and the Peshmerga held forth for a clear apology and Nasir’s supporters gave him lots of encouragement to concede that this issue would not make him famous. The 18 supporters included other independent journalists who had faced similar difficulties in writing critical pieces, his wife, a sister, CPT and other local supporters.

Finally a sheet of paper appeared and Nasir started to write. It was a struggle as he crafted his words to say enough and yet not compromise his convictions. Supporters gathered at his side to keep encouraging him. His lawyer eventually wrote more on the reverse side of the sheet. Nasir crossed out, re-wrote and finally got paper with a carbon film to produce a second copy of the final draft.

Falal leaned over to a CPTer and said, “We reached agreement.” The discussion had gone on constantly, seemingly as a cover for Nasir to work unimpeded. Journalists made it clear to CPT that their international presence was key to the effort. “We would not have reached this middle ground without your presence pushing the Peshmerga spokesperson.”

The Peshmerga officer summed up his perspective as he said, “We support freedom of speech. We accept Nasir’s apology.” Later CPT heard there was a promise that Nasir would not experience another abduction. Supporters had planned to take him back to Suly with them to keep him safe because he feared another threat on his life.

So, with creative mediation work from two parties and a bit of “support” from CPT, a deal was reached. Nasir does not go to trial or jail, the Peshmerga polishes its image, and another round of Kurdish people building a new future passes into the pages of history.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Open Letter and Suggested Action on Turkish Bombings

Dear Friends, Family and All Good People,

What follows is an open letter the CPT team here is sending to US leaders. It is in response to the US support of Turkey in attacks on Kurdish villages during December. We invite you to read the letter, learn about the issues and respond. You may: 1. Publish the letter as an opinion piece in your local paper. 2. Call legislators to express your concerns about the events. 3. Write your own letter to the editor. 4. Be creative with your own response!

Thank you as CPT tries to take the steps to accompany villagers back to their homes. Blessings of peace to you!


January 15, 2008

An open letter to the United States Administration, United States Department of State and United States Defense Department:

We are members of Christian Peacemaker Teams, presently living and working in the Kurdish north of Iraq. We have closely watched the news reports that detail the Turkish military invasions and bombings of Kurdish territory over the last five months. We note that the United States has provided intelligence for those attacks and has chosen to open Iraqi air space for those incursions.

We have had regular contact with the United Nations, the ICRC and local Kurdish NGOs that have assisted the casualties from those attacks. Those attacks killed at least three civilians and injured at least six. CPT has visited two of the families who had a member killed or injured. Additionally, reports indicate those bombings have damaged or destroyed homes, schools, mosques, and hospitals.

CPT visited mayors of communities to which some of the 600-800 displaced families, approximately 3000 individuals, fled for refuge. Those mayors shared photos and videos of the damages in the villages and encouraged us to visit some of the families who are now unable to return home.

The bombings killed hundreds of sheep and cows, animals upon which families depend for a living. Other animals are uncared for because families are afraid to return as flights by Turkish military continue. Farmers now wonder how they can do spring planting.

As CPT talks to Kurdish people, we hear a call for the United States to abide by the standards to which it holds other countries: Do not kill or injure civilians and an occupying power is responsible to protect and care for the civilians who are under its control. The United States identifies the Kurdish Regional Government as a model of democracy, but it is clear that democracy is not served by opening air space to an outside military to attack civilian targets. These civilians had no voice in this decision.

On a larger scale, we have observed a dramatic change in the Kurdish population from unapologetic support for the U.S. military presence in Iraq to anger at the way in which the United States has dumped one of its most loyal allies in the Middle East. Kurdish people have experienced the Anfal assaults under the Saddam Hussein regime and fear U.S. support will encourage Turkey to move even more aggressively against Kurdistan.

Therefore, CPT in Iraq deplores the decision by the United States to aid these attacks on a civilian population. We beg you as U.S. officials to reverse this decision that assists Turkey in violence toward civilians. We encourage U.S. pressure on Turkey to pursue diplomatic solutions to the PKK/Turkey disputes and other underlying issues. We call on the people of the United States to learn more about these events and advocate for the safety of these Kurdish people.

Friday, January 11, 2008

January 11, 2007, Letter

Dear Friends, Family and All Good People,

A raging snow storm is covering all the plastic bags and litter that get missed by the Philippine street sweepers who are brought into Kurdistan and Iraq as cheap slave labor. The cold temperatures have frozen and burst our water pipes again for the fourth time! That just means we need to carry water in buckets up several flights of stairs for laundry, bathing, washing dishes, and flushing the toilet.

Yesterday we traveled to Sangasar and a village up near the Kandil Mountains that form the border with Turkey. That region has been bombed by Turkey with US-provided intelligence and clearance of airspace over Iraq for those bombing runs. Reports from UN and ICRC document that 6-800 families, over 3000 individuals, have been displaced in the month of December. Injuries have been slight - one woman killed and fewer than ten others injured. The loss of cattle, sheep and goats appraoches 1000. Schools, homes, hospitals and mosques have been destroyed or damaged in the bombings. People traveling in and out of those villages to care for animals still living report daily Turkish flights, but only for surveillance at this point.

My previous blog contains the details of a visit with one of two families we visited yesterday, both who had a family member killed or injured in the bombing. One is renting now in Sangasar and the other is living with relatives in a rural village up against the foot of the mountains. We drove up to the final checkpoint beyond which no one is allowed. That is the region we are asking to accompany villagers home as a way to open a safe space for their return and to allow negotiation to replace military action between the PKK and Turkey/US.

The mountain scenery we saw rivals that of Montana and Colorado in the U.S! These rugged mountains seem to have shaped Kurds with strength of character, endurance and an expansive vision of what is possible.

We have a meeting tomorrow with international and Kurdish NGO's to pursue our proposal to accompany villagers as they return. The big barrier is still clearance from the Ministry of the Interior and security passes from Asaish. We appreciate your prayers for a miracle.

This CPT team is longing for additional personnel to help carry the long term work here in Kurdistan. Perhaps you are being called!! Security is very different from what folks may imagine from what they read and hear about Iraq. I see this project as much safer to operate a CPT project than even Colombia and Palestine where I have also been with CPT.

May the Spirit of Peace Bless You!


Yesterday's Interview with Kurdish IDP's

Muzheer Jalal Rafour, January 10, 2007

Peggy and Cliff met with 24 members of the family in a home they are renting in Sangasar. Musheer told CPT that if we tell their story it is better than receiving material assistance. They are from Laozha Village, Sangasar town, Suleimaniya Governate.

On December 16, 2007, he heard a sound of planes flying over like every night, but it was different this night. At 2:05AM a bomb hit the other side of their home. They went outside. The next pass of the planes, the house was bombed again. On the third pass he remembered a tiny baby he thought was still sleeping inside and returned – the windows were blown out this pass. As he exited the house, he heard his 27-year-old daughter, Susan, crying and saw a big light in the sky – everything was on fire. He went to help, but couldn’t use lights because the planes were still circling overhead. He tied her wounds with his sash, but he had no car and the planes were still overhead.

His friend called from another village, but he had to say, “Don’t come,” because of the planes. His daughter waited for three hours and the plane came back again to attack. The other children were in a ditch for safety, but they were cold. Finally he used a blanket to carry his daughter to the car of a relative. They drove the car without lights with a person ahead with black clothes to guide it. They got her to Diana Village, an hour away, where an ambulance took her on to Howler, two hours further to the hospital.

The doctor said her bone was shattered and he would be unable to save the leg, so he amputated mid-calf. Susan is still in the hospital and it has been very difficult psychologically. She feels her life is ended, there is nothing to live for. She may return home today or a week from now.

The same Turkish attack injured Haja Ajura Rasoul in the hand when a piece of the bomb shrapnel struck her. Other children have eye and throat problems from something in the bomb. A neighbor saved one child during the bombing and had to leave another child, so Muzheer’s son went to save that child.

His house was destroyed four times by Saddam Hussein during the Anfal. This fifth time was by the Turkish fighter planes. “But even if it happens ten more times, we will never give up our home.”

Seven of their Albanian cows were killed in the bombing and others are unhealthy. There are 24 families in the village, about 126 people. Maybe 20-25 animals for each family died in the bombing.

Planes are still flying overhead, apparently doing reconnaissance. Sometimes a father or a shepherd returns to care for the living animals or check crops.

Muzheer told CPT, “Please take our voice to the world. We in Kurdistan are a rich country, but we are presently chained by this political situation.”

“The Turkish excuse for the attack is the PKK, but there are no PKK targets or sites where we live. The situation in Kirkuk and the millions of Kurds in Turkey are the threats for Turkey and the reason for these attacks.”

“We heard the US supports Turkey. I don’t understand because the Kurds are the only people here who support the US. Maybe the US has more interest in Turkey than Kurdistan. An unexploded bomb in Laozha may be American. We are so disappointed. After 1974 we were abandoned. We ask the US people to support the Kurds so this doesn’t happen again. My cousin in Minnesota says the US people don’t even know about Kurds.”

Muzheer has received one million ID ($7-800, US) from the central Iraqi government to replace his house. From the KRG he got heating oil, clothes and coats from ICRC and blankets from another organization. People have been very concerned about what happened. People care. Practically, though, the response has been short. Government has welcomed their children to the local schools, though their home was 34 kilometers from Sangasar.

"It is good to write this story to the people of the US. A bigger establishment is needed to raise awareness. I am concerned about your safety, but I am ready to go with you to our border villagers when you get security approval."

If I was on TV in the US, I would say, “Stop the things that are happening. Stop the attacks. Stop the fears.”

Friday, January 04, 2008

The United States Drops the KRG

Dear Friends, Family and All Good People,

It has been some time since I last wrote to you. There have been some very interesting experiences in the intervening period.

A highlight for me was a trip to Darbandakan and the mountain ridge south and east of that city. We slipped through a narrow cut with towering walls on either side of the tiny stream that must have made the cut eons ago. On the other side we ate our picnic lunch and then hiked into the mountains. It was invigorating to have to stop frequently to catch my breath on the steep climb and scrounge for handholds on the rocky face as I ascended. Sheep trails were at the higher elevations so you readers can be assured that this wasn’t too much of a test! The view near the top was worth it. We had a time limit and I didn’t make the peak.

Another visit was with Walt Goodwater, a National Guard officer from Sacramento, CA. That unit is doing training for Iraqi army units just outside of Suly. That base is a large Peshmerga Base where US contractors are also involved in training Iraqi Police and Iraqi prison guards. We did learn that some security detainees are held at this location until they are returned to home communities for trial.

This Eid just ended commemorates Abraham’s near sacrifice of his son Ishmael before God intervened and the Hajj to Mecca is also celebrated. It was a nice preparation for our Christmas celebrations. Christmas in the field with CPT always feels strange because I am not with family, but it also has a depth I miss at home because of the struggle for justice and peace that is playing out in the settings I find myself.

A visit with Anita to Suse Prison finally worked out. We met with the director of this new Iraqi Ministry of Justice facility that houses 1700 prisoners from all parts of Iraq. He is a very smooth PR person or this facility is top of the line. No women or youths under 18 are held here. There are no detainees awaiting trial and the 12 US advisors who helped set up the prison and advise for daily operations play a very important role because of their experience back in the states.

The bombing attacks and ground operations by Turkey into Kurdish areas during this fall have stimulated a recruiting effort in the center of Suly and raised serious concerns by Kurdish political leaders. The fact that the US has provided real time intelligence and opened airspace into Kurdish Iraq has destroyed the strong alliance between the US and the KRG. The flights by Turkish planes continue regularly and the last bombing I have heard reported is December 31 in the Dahuk Governate. The first attacks after December 15 were about 60 – 70 miles south into the KRG and along the Iranian border. CPT is exploring whether our nonviolent presence in those villages might provide protection for villagers and open a space for genuine negotiation between the various actors. Presently those raids are provoking even more conflict over the issues of the PKK resistance in Turkey, potential Kurdish autonomy, whether the government or the military in Turkey is in charge, and who will control the oil in Kirkuk and Mosul. It is clear that the visible issue of Kurdish demands within Turkey by the PKK and the response by Turkey are just a cover for much larger issues.

We are having an impossible time with visas. All four are expired, waiting for the decision on our NGO application that has been pending since early December. We don’t know if this delay is their way to turn down our application or if, as Kurdish friends say, this is the way it is for everyone. If we are rejected I hope we are informed of the reasons. It is easy to suspect who might be putting pressure on those who make the decision. Wednesday we did obtain a signature from the governor for our NGO application and still need clearance from security.

Visits to regional leaders and individuals displaced by the Turkish bombings yesterday confirmed the importance of our nonviolent presence in those border villages and the deeper complication of the standstill on our NGO application and security clearance! Kurdistan is feeling abandoned.

Blessings of peace in the new year to each of you!
